Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Ayurvedic health and beauty 80 Simple & natural tips

Ayurveda, the most ancient medical science which lost its identity among the common people for many decades after the revolution in modern medical science has gained popularity again from few years because of it's amazing benefits. There are many reasons that made Ayurveda popular again these days. The first one is that it doesn't have any side effects like that of the modern medicine. The second is, Ayurveda is completely natural. And, Ayurveda doesn't just focuses in curing a disease but focuses on completely eradicating it.

After making a lot of research, ancient Indian scientists had included some best herbs that treats many health problems, into the food we eat daily. A few to name are like pepper, turmeric, coriander and more. So with Ayurveda you can cure any health problems with the natural home remedies available in your kitchen.

After going through many popular Ayurveda books and articles, and speaking with ayurvedic practitioners and doctors, I have collected a list of Ayurvedic health and beauty tips along with some best home remedies and natural herbs. Here are those 80 tips and home remedies that might help you in your day to day life. Now why late, just dive into those simple and natural tips.

Because these days people are giving much importance to beauty than health, first I have listed some best ayurvedic beauty tips.

Simple & Natural Ayurvedic Beauty tips, home remedies 

1. Massage your face skin with fresh tomato juice and clean it with warm water after 1 or 2 hours, this simple ayurveda beauty tip helps in clearing pimples problem

Ayurvedic beauty tips for shiny skin at home image - Tipsmonk

2. Drink a glass of apple juice every morning, it makes your skin shiny and beautiful

3. Make a habit of drinking warm water everyday, this simple tip promotes weight loss naturally
Extra Tip : 6 Best Baba Ramdev Medicines for Weight Loss

Ayurvedic beauty tips for pimples, acnes, black marks - Ayurveda home remedies, treatment image

4. Apply and massage fresh aloe vera gel taken from the plant, it is very useful in getting rid of black marks on skin

5. Massage your hair with pure coconut oil mixed with fresh lemon juice everyday for 10 to 15 days, this ayurveda beauty tip helps in curing dandruff problems

6. Washing hair with rain water makes them look very fresh

Ayurvedic beauty tips for hair dandruff picture - Tipsmonk

7. Boil water with 20 to 30 neem leaves in it and use this water for hair bath, this beauty tip is very useful in clearing dandruff problems

8. Drink good amount of water everyday, it helps in curing pimples and other skin problems

9. Eat 1 or 2 medium sized balls made of neem leaves everyday, it helps in curing skin itching and pimple problems

Ayurvedic beauty tips for skin glow - Ayurveda home remedies, treatment image

10. Apply and massage your face skin with fresh mint leaves juice and leave it for whole night, this tip is useful in clearing pimple problems and promoting smooth skin naturally

Ayurvedic beauty tips for smooth skin glow - Ayurveda home remedies, treatment image

11. Apply and massage your skin with castor oil every night, it helps in making your skin smooth and supple

12. Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water on early morning right after you wakeup from bed, this ayurvedic daily routine is useful in clearing toxins and making your skin glow naturally

Ayurvedic beauty tips for skin glow from Ayurveda books - Tipsmonk

13. Massage face skin with pure cow ghee before you go to sleep at night and wash it on the next day morning, this ayurveda beauty tip is very useful in making your skin white and radiant
Extra Tip : 5 Tips for Skin Glow in 1 Day

14. Practice Kapalbhati Pranayama for 3 to 5 minutes everyday, this simple beauty tip is useful in making your skin glow naturally

15. Make the habit of doing Sun Salutations ( Surya Namaskaras ) every morning, this simple routine is not only beneficial for your health, but also for your skin

16. Massage you body with pure almond oil or with pure coconut oil twice a week, this simple ayurvedic routine increases blood flow in the body and makes your skin glow like never before

Ayurvedic beauty tips, completely natural - Tipsmonk

17. Make the habit of fasting with only fruits or milk once in a week, this routine reduces toxins in the body

18. Make the habit of massaging navel with mustard oil after everyday bath, this is very useful in removing dryness in the face, cracks on lips and also increases skin glow
Extra Tip : 5 Dr.Elchuri home remedies for Skin

19. Apply lemon juice along with pure honey on face, this simple home remedy is useful in curing pimples very fast

Ayurvedic beauty tips for skin glow naturally image - Tipsmonk

20. Eat 3 to 4 dates everyday for a certain period of time, this simple tip makes your skin look bright

Ayurvedic beauty tips for dry skin from Ayurveda books - Tipsmonk

21. Eat few papaya slices everyday, it is very useful in moisturising skin

Ayurvedic health tips for weight loss - Ayurveda home remedies, treatment image

22. Sit in Vajrasana position for 5 to 10 minutes everyday after dinner, it burns fat and helps in weight loss

23. Eat few slices of cucumber everyday in summer, because it consists about 96% water it is very helpful in keeping you hydrated and promotes skin complexion

Ayurvedic beauty tips for body smell - Ayurveda home remedies, treatment image

24. Add fresh lemon juice to the bathing water, this simple home remedy helps in preventing body odor

25. Mix amla ( Indian gooseberry or amalaki ) powder with water and apply on the face as a pack and massage, it works very effectively in removing the dead cells

Simple & Natural Ayurvedic Health tips, home remedies 

Ayurvedic health tips picture - Tipsmonk

1. Lock your teeth while defecating ( discharging faeces from the body ), this simple ayurvedic tip prevents loosening of teeth even at old age and prevents many other eye and ear disorders

2. Regular massage of leg calf muscle portion will help in clearing the indigestion problems

Ayurvedic health tips for anaemia from Ayurveda books - Tipsmonk

3. Daily intake of raisins along with the water ( soaked for one night ) for 45 to 60 days can cure anaemia

4. Don't drink water with standing position, it leads to pain in knees, so always drink water in sitting position

5. Drink buffalo milk with 1 teaspoon of Ashwagandha Powder every night for 15 to 30 days, this simple ayurvedic tip is very useful in increasing sperm count and curing impotency
Extra Tip : 1 Simple Home made drink for Huge Sperm Count

6. Daily intake of juice from fresh grape fruits for a period of 15 to 30 days helps in curing headache

Ayurvedic daily health tips from Ayurveda books - Tipsmonk

7. Make a habit of sleeping without pillow under head, this is very useful in strengthening heart and brain

8. Consume a pomegranate every night before 3 hours you go to sleep, this ayurvedic tip helps in increasing sperm count and fights infertility

9. Consume a boiled egg everyday, this simple tip helps in boosting your immunity power

Ayurvedic health tips for ear pain - Ayurveda home remedies, treatment image

10. Leave 3 to 4 drops of lemon juice in ears, this works like magic in curing severe ear pain

11. Consume dates everyday, it is going to make you strong and healthy

12. Consuming a papaya daily helps in increasing memory power

Ayurvedic health tips for weight gain naturally image - Tipsmonk

13. Eat 2 to 3 bananas everyday, it helps in gaining body weight naturally

14. Consuming hot water along with honey is useful in curing stomach pain

15. Consuming fresh lemon juice before having meals or before going to bed for 30 to 45 days is the best home remedy in curing asthma

16. Eat garlic along with pure cow ghee for 45 to 60 days, this is most beneficial in curing Nervous Weakness and other nerve disorders naturally

Ayurvedic health tips for head ache - Ayurveda home remedies, treatment image

17. Soak cotton in fresh beetroot juice for a while and place it in both ears, this simple home remedy helps in relieving headache naturally without any medicines
18. Bathing with cold or luke warm water on early mornings helps in being active and peaceful all the day

19. Consume hot water with pure honey, it helps in turning you strong and healthy

20. Drinking water immediately before and after meals suppresses digestive fire, and it leads to gaseous problems

21. Eat carrot along with cow milk and honey, this simple ayurveda tip helps in boosting your memory power

22. Eat a pear fruit twice or thrice in a week, it helps in curing the constipation problem

23. Overeating causes indigestion, so Ayurveda suggests to eat only that amount of food what you can digest

24. Consume papaya everyday for certain period of time, this is one of the best home remedy for constipation

Ayurvedic health tips image - Tipsmonk

25. Make sure to urinate after meals, according to Ayurveda it promotes good health

26. Reading while lying down on bed is harmful for the eyes, so better avoid this habit

27. Apply ground mustard over forehead, this is the simple and best home remedy for severe headache

28. Keep an onion in pocket, it is very helpful in preventing heat strokes in summer

29. Chew 5 to 10 basil  leaves with fresh water in the morning on empty stomach, this ayurveda tip helps in increasing immunity power

30. Eating on time maintains health and energy, so Ayurveda suggests to eat on regular timings everyday

Ayurvedic health tips about cool drinks from Ayurveda books - Tipsmonk

31. Excessive use of cold drinks reduces immunity, it even causes excess Kapha formation, so better get out of that habit

32. Make the habit of drinking water in copper vessels or copper bottles, this ayurvedic daily routine is going to be beneficial for your liver, spleen and in fact complete body

33. Diabetes patients should make a habit of eating cucumber regularly, it is very helpful in curing diabetes

34. Consume 1 table teaspoon of pure honey everyday, this ayurvedic tip helps in leading a long and healthy life

35. Eat some papaya everyday, it is very good for liver

36. Excessive talking exhausts body strength and power, it even increases vata in the body, so don't over talk

37. Have dinner at least 2 to 3 hours before going to bed, don't go to bed directly after having dinner

Ayurvedic health tips for good eyesight from Ayurveda books - Tipsmonk

38. Consume 1 teaspoon of Amla ( Indian Gooseberry ) powder with water everyday, it helps in improving eyesight

Ayurvedic health tips for headache from Ayurveda books - Tipsmonk

39. Inhale smoke of 3 to 4 burnt black peppercorns, this ayurvedic tip relieves hiccough and headache

40. While going to bed, take one teaspoon of Triphala powder with lukewarm water, this ayurvedic herb helps in relieving constipation
Extra Tip : 6 Tips to cure Constipation permanently

41. For toothache, apply powdered clove or clove oil on the affected area, it relieves pain within minutes

42. Consume cinnamon powder with pure honey for a period of 45 to 60 days, this is the best home remedy for asthma problems

43. Sprinkle some pure turmeric powder over skin cuts and burns, it helps in stopping over bleeding and also prevents blister formation

44. Chew 1 or 2 Khadirati vati, this ayurveda tip provides good relief in stomatitis ( inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth )

45. Consume 1 teaspoon of garlic juice with 2 teaspoons of pure honey, this ayurvedic tip is very useful in controlling blood pressure

46. Consume 4 to 6 teaspoons of aloe vera juice everyday, this herb is useful in curing all kinds of abdominal diseases

Ayurvedic health tips for weight gain from Ayurveda books - Tipsmonk

47. Consume Ashwagandha powder along with crystal sugar everyday, it is useful in weight gain
48. Drink some Amla juice every morning, this simple health tip helps in curing urinary problems

49. Eat 1 or 2 bananas everyday morning, because bananas are the natural source of energy for your complete day

50. Sapota is another good natural source of energy after banana, so drink some sapota milk shake whenever you need instant energy

51. Drink 5 teaspoons of aloe vera juice daily, this is a good home remedy for general weakness

52. Pour 2 or 3 drops of pure almond oil in both nostrils before you go to bed, this simple ayurvedic tip helps in curing migraine headache without any medicines

53. Practice Bhramari Pranayama for few minutes everyday, this simple daily routine is going to be helpful in clearing heart ailments

Ayurvedic health tips for anxiety and depression from Ayurveda books - Tipsmonk

54. Practice Pranava Pranayam meditation for a while everyday, this is very useful in treating depression

55. Don't make the habit of sleeping during day time, however you can take rest for 45 minutes to 1 hour during summer
Here is ends. Now you are with 80 Simple & natural Ayurvedic health and beauty tips. Why late, start trying these from today and get amazing benefits with the home remedies and natural herbs available in your kitchen itself.

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