Friday, September 2, 2011

Facts About Obesity

The unhealthy diets and haphazard lifestyles of the present times have contributed to an alarming increase in obesity rates in both kids and adults.
And it's not just a cosmetic problem. Obesity has also cropped up as a major health issue leading to a numerous ailments and complications. As per medical standards, if a person's Body Mass Index (BMI) is higher than 30, he or she is obese. At the moment, the condition has been elevated to a serious public health problem and is becoming a cause of many fatalities worldwide.
In this piece, we'll discuss some of the grave risks associated with obesity. For information on how to battle obesity, refer to our 'Weight Management' category under the 'Health' section. Recent studies indicate that an obese person is likely to develop one or more of these problems:

High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is strongly attached to obesity. Presence of additional body fat leads to the circulation of more blood to those tissues as they need oxygen and nutrients to survive. This requires the heart to pump more blood and in this process the work load on the heart and the pressure on the artery walls go up.

Type 2 Diabetes

Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, also called Type 2 Diabetes, is another common health problem among obese patients. Research data shows that such people are twice as likely to develop diabetes. This condition is one of the chief causes of early death, kidney disease, heart disease and even blindness.

Heart Diseases and Stroke

An obese person has 10 times more chances of developing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) as compared to a non-obese person! Other heart ailments like Coronary Heart Disease (CAD) and heart attack are more common in bulky and obese people. Such people may also develop high blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides which is linked to a number of heart ailments and stroke.


Overweight men are quite prone to developing cancer of the rectum, colon and prostrate, whereas women are likely to develop breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and cancer of the uterus.

Sleep Apnea

This is a sleeping disorder in which the patient snores heavily and his breathing rate is abnormally low. The risk of sleep apnea increases with higher body weights but can be countered with lifestyle changes and effective weight-loss programs.


A fat person's joints have to withstand extra pressure. This can lead to the wearing out of the protective cartilage in between the joints, the condition being knows as Osteoarthritis. This is particularly seen in weight-bearing joints like knee, hips and lower back joints. This unnecessary pressure on joints can be lessened by regular weight loss exercise and a balanced diet

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Benefits of Hot Yoga Weight Loss

What is Hot Yoga?

The "hot" fitness craze Hot Yoga has really fired up the exercise scene. Hot Yoga is a series of yoga positions done inside a heated room. The room hot yoga is performed in is usually kept at a high constant temperature of 35 to 37 'C. Exercising in a room of this temperature will help you body remove toxins and also warms the muscles and increases flexibility.

How Does Hot Yoga Help You Lose Weight?

  • Warming the muscles makes the body burn fat more readily
  • Muscles become stronger by practicing hot yoga and will burn more calories at rest
  • When your body is detoxified the circulatory system improves and the metabolism increase
  • Hot Yoga improves the efficiency of bodily systems and functions of the body thereby regulating appetite and decreasing the desire for unhealthy junk foods.

Hot Yoga Guidelines

It is essential to have a yoga mat, dedicated to hot yoga mat, and towel when performing Hot Yoga as you will be sweating profusely. Also wear comfortable, close fitting clothing with limited fabric for the same reason. Wearing loose baggy clothing will only result in having to complete the class in wet, heavy clothing.
Be sure to drink ample water before and after the hot yoga sessions to avoid dehydration. It is not sensible to eat two hours before the start of the hot yoga session and steer clear of a large meal. If you wish to try Bikram's method, clarify whether the Hot Yoga centre you have chosen had been certified to teach Bikram’s hot Yoga.

Harmful Effects of Hot Yoga

There are several potential risks while doing hot yoga. All work outs should be approached with extreme caution and even possibly a doctor's guidance. The main thing to consider is dehydration and heat exhaustion. This may lead to dizziness, fainting or even strokes.
Hot Yoga instructors are at higher risk levels of muscle and lower back damage. Heating of the muscles increase the likelihood of these area being stretched beyond safe limits and can result in tissue damage. Injuries of this kind are a frequent occurrence among hot yoga instructors.
Although it is normal for the body to release small quantities of toxins in the sweat, sweating may also be hazardous. The liver and kidneys are the main organs responsible for eliminating toxins. If the person doing hot Yoga does is not well hydrated, the competence of these organs may be compromised. This results in a lower rate of toxin elimination which leads to the dumping of toxins into the body.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Skin Care in Winter - Health Tips

we can take care of our skin through simple home remedies.We don’t need too much time for our skin care, it can be done through our daily routine.  I personally believe that by using home remedies one can experience a glowing, hydrated and rejuvenated skin.

Types of skin: There are few tips of skin care according to the type of skin.
        • Oily skin
        • Dry skin
        • Normal skin.
For oily skin:
Oily skin require special care as every time to have to hold a tissue in your hands and removing extra oils from your face. I remember one of my aunt having oily skin and she has the same problem as prone to pimples, spots and even blackheads.Here are the home remedies that you can use for oily skin.
  • Take 2-3 almond, grind it and mix it with 1 spoon of honey. Massage your face with this  the paste for 10- 15 minutes and then wash with cold water.  This will help to remove extra oil from your skin and your skin will glow and become soft.
  • One of the most  simple and effective  home remedy for oily skin is to add a teaspoon of salt in a bottle of water. Sprinkle this water on your face several times a day.You will feel gret changes with in few dats.
  • Soak two to three teaspoons of methi (fenugreek) seeds overnight. Grind into a paste, then rub on your face. Once it dries, wash with cool water. It will remove blackheads and iols from your skin.
  • Every morning, massage your face with a good nourishing cream
For Dry skin:
Dryskin becomes very bad in winter.I have the dry skin and have a lots of problem during the time of winter such as cracks on the skin, feeling skin dryness every time even after applying good cream. So some home remedies for dry skin as I also use it:
  • Mash half a ripe banana, add a teaspoon of honey and make a paste. Apply on your face. Once it dries, wash with cold water and pat dry.I like this home remedy the most.
  • Take two table spoon of unboiled milk, apply it on your face and after dries, wash face with cold water. It will give moisture to your skin.
  • Make a paste of Malai, turmeric (haldi) and some drops of oilve oils. Apply it and wait to dry. Wash it with lukewarm water.It will give your skin natural oil supply and will be glowy and healthy.
For Normal skin:
These are the best home remedies that you can found in your home only for your skin care.
  • Take some drops of Orange or Tomato juice, mix it with curd and apply on your face.It will give you glowy skin.
  • Whenever eating an apple, do not discard the skin. Use it as a skin cleanser.
  • Take a piece of Papaya and rub it on your face.It will give you soft, healthy and shiny skin.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Health Tips for rainy Season

 Health Tips for rainy Season:

  1. Avoid sleeping in day time.
  2. Do not indulge in extreme physical exertion.
  3. Do not get exposed to sun frequently.
  4. Always carry something to protect yourself from the downpour. a raincoat or an umbrella will do.
  5. If you get drenched by the heavy rain, dry yourself as soon as possible or you can take a shower first and then dry yourself before taking a sip of that coffee.
  6. Always keep the surroundings dry and clean, neat and tidy. Do not allow water to get accumulated around you.
  7. Keep your body warm as viruses attack immediately when body temperature goes down.
  8. Do not enter air conditioned room with wet hair and wet cloths.
  9. Dry your feet with soft dry cloth whenever they are wet.
  10. Wash vegetables with clean water and steam them well to kill germs.
  11. Avoid eating uncooked foods and salads. Because the possibility to get caught by germs increases.
  12. Drink plenty of water and keep your body well hydrated always.
  13. Do not allow kids to play in stagnant polluted water filled puddles.
  14. Keep antiseptic liquids like dettol or savlon handy and use for washing off mud or dirt that usually gets splashed around. Don't just wash your hands but also your feet to avoid itching, rashes and skin infections.
  15. Always use sturdy footwear that will give you a good grip and adequate protection to avoid slipping or falling.
  16. If you have any minor accidents, use ice it helps in numbing the nerve endings.
  17. If you are suffering from asthma or diabetes, avoid staying anywhere with wet walls. It promotes the growth of fungus and can be especially harmful.
  18. Drink lots of warming herbal teas, especially those with antibacterial properties such as holybasil leaves.

Ayurvedic tips to keep healthy in humid conditions

Ayurvedic tips to keep healthy in humid conditions:
  1. One has to undergo detoxification therapies like Vamana and Virechana.
  2. Asthapana basthi (An enema of herbal decoction) has to be administered to keep away humidity related health problems.
  3. The digestive system gets weakened due to dehydration in summer. This leads to low digestive power. This is further weakened by vitiation of doshas and dhatus due to increased humidity. Hence following diets which increase power of digestion and strengthen the digestive system would be beneficial.

    a. Light foods prepared out of old barley, rice and wheat.
    b. Sour and salted soups of vegetables.
    c. Drinking boiled and cooled water mixed with little honey.
    d. Consuming little quantity of wine prepared out of grapes.
    e. Adding ginger and green gram in daily diet.
    f.  Eating warm food.
    g. The taste of food must be preferably sour and salty.
  4. Do not walk in bare foot. Always wear dry foot wear to prevent growth of fungus on nails and between toes. Dry your feet and webs with soft dry cloth whenever they are wet.
  5. The clothes should be fumigated using fragrant herbs. Drying clothes with fumes of loban and dry neem leaves is recommended in ayurvedic texts.
  6.  We should not sleep in basement as it will be damp and growth of moulds and fungus will be more.
  7. Fumigating the house with smoke of dried neem leaves in evenings for 1-2 minutes is an excellent ayurvedic method to check the growth of microbes,
  8. Always keep the surroundings dry and clean. Do not allow water to get accumulated around.
Ayurvedic Home remedies for Humidity related diseases
  1. Apply castor oil or sesame oil on cracked feet and skin.
  2. A freshly prepared paste of turmeric, neem and sesame seeds is recommended in ayurveda for fungal infection between toes.
  3.  Drink a glass of warm water mixed with a tea spoon of honey in empty stomach. This flushes out accumulated toxins.
  4. Freshly prepared radish juice is the best remedy for cold.
  5. A pinch each of long pepper powder and rock salt mixed in warm water reduces cough

Friday, July 22, 2011

Health Tips - Skin Care in Winter

Skin care is very important especially when winter season is coming, there are several things you need to know about your facial skin care and skin care of your body during the cold winter days. First you need to know that the skin gets dry from the low temperatures and the cold will play you a trick for sure. It is good if you have oily skin, then your skin care during winter will be easier ,because after drying your skin will be normal and healthy.

But people who have dry skin should take much effort to make their skin look perfect, since their skin is much more sensitive to winter cold and this can cause them a lot more problems.

You need to change your skin care during winter, if you use a lot of hydrating creams and products you need to apply them at night, best is just before going to bed. In that way you will build a solid base for your daytime hydrating creams and procedures. You should also reduce the using of washing foams and such kind of skin care products, because they remove the skins natural fat and that way lower the skin strength and elasticity and increases the dryness of your skin in winter.


It is crucial to know that skin care during winter requires better attention, especially if you have dry skin. You need to focus on moisturising more. It is great to use hydrating skin care products, especially for you face, you can apply any kind of soft lotions, because they will help your skin regenerate faster. The moisturising mask will bring the same great effects for you skin and this will make you facial skin care during winter more effective and better, just remember that your facial skin around the eyes is very sensitive and delicate and needs extra care. Regularly changing of your facial skin cream is good option, offer your skin some variety, it will pay off.

If you often apply a moisturising cream it will help to keep the humidity of your skin at a proper and normal level. In winter the skin becomes naturally more dehydrated and vulnerable due to cold weather and the freezing wind, find some time and apply your daily cream at least one hour before going out, that is the most recommended skin care during winter treatment. Using skin care products and facial skin care creams which have the UV protection ability are also highly recommend for your skin care in this weather.


You need to pay better attention to your lips during winter, their skin is very soft and cold sensitive and most likely to react to the cold winter conditions, using a shiny lip gloss will not moisturise your lips enough, so don’t be so shiny, but practical. If your lips are too sensitive just treat them by applying honey and you will fell the recovery effect almost immediately.


Another part of our body suffering from the winter cold are our hands, you need to do the following skin care treatment for your hands to keep the skin soft and gentle in winter: apply both moisturising and protective creams for better hydration and elasticity.
The best is to use hand skin care products which are made of a glycerine base during day and moisturising skin care products at evening and before going to bed.


Hair care is also essential in winter. If you have dry hair don’t wear hats too often, because it will damage it more, using all hair products like moisturising conditioners is recommended. Apply any hair stimulating mask to keep it vital and beautiful. You can make all kind of hair treatments,just search about it and find the best suitable for you.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Health Tips - Winter Care

The winter brings relief from the sweltering summer days, but can wreak havoc on your skin. One of the common skin problems in the winter are fungal infections. This is obvious as the humidity will be more and fungal activity will be at its peak! To prevent it, avoid wearing damp clothing and socks as this can predispose you to fungal infections.Those who are prone to fungal infections should keep clean and dry, use an anti fungal soap, and use a prophylactic anti fungal dusting powder in the groin areas and feet. Carry an extra set of clothing or keep a spare change at your workplace to avoid staying in damp clothing for prolonged periods of time as this can lead to fungal infections.

Basic Skin Care

Your skin tends to be oily in this humid season and basic skin care products may need to be modified to suit the season.
Use a medicated face wash suited for oily skin as it is beneficial to prevent acne break-outs
  1. Use oil-free moisturizers as your skin still needs hydration, but avoid heavy, oily creams in this humid season
  2. Use oil-free sunscreens
  3. If your skin tends to be too oily, use an astringent or toner
  4. A mild exfoliating scrub may be done gently once or twice a week
Excessive sweating can also occur in the rainy season.This can promote the growth of fungus and often can cause a seat rash or prickly heat. Synthetic fabrics are avoidable and cool cotton fabrics that allow the skin to breathe are ideally suited for this climate. For some, the skin may still appear dry and shriveled in this season and often needs moisturising with a light moisturising lotion. If you are using a cream, consider changing to a lotion-based product in this season. Peeling of the skin, especially over the palms and soles, can occur in this season. Avoid prolonged or excessive water contact to prevent this.
For any persistent skin problems, it is always advisable to consult your dermatologist who will treat your complaint and also advise you on the best skin care products suited to your individual skin type.You can then take care of your skin and enjoy the rainy season.


Even though the sky will be overcast, the UV rays are still penetrating and can affect your skin. Therefore, you must still use a sunscreen.Your sunscreen may need to be modified to an oil-free or gel-based one to avoid a sticky feeling. Regular application 2-3 times a day needs to be continued despite the fact that the sun may not be as visible.

Hair care

Make sure your hair is cleansed and dried thoroughly.Those whose dandruff increases in this season need to take extra care to keep the hair clean and dry. A medicated anti dandruff shampoo needs to be used regularly through this season.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Yoga Exercises & Postures for beginners

Yoga Exercises - Warm-Up Poses

In general, warming up depends on the Yoga Style that you practice. This section covers some Warm-Up exercises that you can do prior to a Yoga class or session.

Yoga-Standing Poses


Learn how to practice the different Standing Poses - Triangle Pose, Hands to Feet, Standing Side Stretch Pose, Stand Spread Leg Forward Fold, Warrior Pose, Tree Pose, and Sun Salutation.

Yoga-Seated Poses


There are poses which can be done while sitting on yoga mats. In this section, know how to do the various Seated Poses such as Spread Leg Forward Fold, Hero Pose, Seated Forward Bend, and Child Pose.

Yoga-Twist Yoga Poses


Aside from strengthening the back, the Half-Spinal Twist and Sage Twist are Yoga Poses which tone and massage the abdominal area and improve digestion.

Yoga-Supine Poses


This section covers several Yoga Poses which are done in supine (lying face up) position - Leg Reclining Lunge, Locust Pose, Leg Pulls, Leg Raises, and Wind Relieving Pose.

Yoga-Inverted Postures and Balance Poses


Shoulderstand, Headstand, and Plough can help increase circulation, stimulate the brain, enhance glandular system functioning, and relieve pressure on the abdominal organs.



Backbends are Yoga Poses which promote flexibility in the spine and strengthen the arms, legs, and abdomen. In this section, know how to practice Backbends.

Yoga-Finishing Poses


The Corpse Pose or Savasana and the Final Corpse are Yoga Poses which are usually practiced as final relaxation at the end of a Yoga Session.

Yoga-Bikram Yoga Poses


This section will be discussing the various Bikram yoga poses.

Warning: We encourage everybody to try and practice the Yoga Poses by yourselves at home or in the office. However, if you are feeling uncomfortable or are not able to complete a posture, do not push yourself. Yoga Exercise is not a competition, so just relax and try again. Moreover, do not try Yoga Postures which are beyond your capabilities. It will be helpful to actually sign up for some Yoga Classes where a professional teacher will guide you through each Yoga Pose and make sure you are doing the exercise correctly.

Health Tips- How to Slim down in easiest and quickest way

The quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is to do all of the following:

Create a good self-image: 
A person who’s been overweight for a while needs to develop a vision of herself as a healthy and vibrant person. Improving the self image is a spiritual process that can take many forms; meditation, yoga, dance, or sports may have a role. Counseling may even be necessary to correct a poor self-image that relates to relationship problems with others.

Eat a healthy diet: 
The large portions in most restaurants produce obesity. Indians should eat moderate portions based on the Mediterranean Diet.

Eat less and slow down: 
 We often eat for emotional reasons that haven’t been dealt with. Eating a small amount of a treat makes one feel good. Eating a great deal of the same food makes one sick and fat. Eating slowly can help the body to feel satisfied without overeating. Again, counseling can help with unresolved psychological problems.

Stop eating close to bedtime
Don’t eat for the last five hours before you lay down to sleep. Don’t drink for the last two hours. Digestion systems need down time to recover. Many of us are used to eating throughout the evening while watching TV. This is a recipe for diet disaster.

Exercise more: 
The energy output through exercise must always be greater than the energy that is taken in through food and drink. There’s no way to have quick and sustainable weight loss without sufficient exercise. Increasing the metabolism through exercise is critical. A doctor should approve changes in an exercise routine, especially if one is obese.

Manage stress: 
As the Indian economy is destroyed by corporations sending their work overseas, stress has become epidemic. The poor and middle class who have had their jobs evaporate are more likely to be obese than the wealthy. People who are underemployed are afraid of falling behind in their bills. People who have better jobs are afraid of losing them. There is a huge amount of change in society and people are turning to food as an escape from the fear that unmanaged change creates.

Manage underlying diseases
Hypothyroidism and other diseases can lower the metabolism and contribute to stored fat. This is another reason to talk to a medical professional about problems with weight loss.

Stop blaming genetics
There is a slim chance that there could be genetic factors that keep people from losing weight. A few people have genes that lead to extra pounds but mostly we inherit a poor self-image and the habits of overeating and under-exercising from our parents.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Health Tips for Winter

The most wonderful time of the year is upon us once again. The time where you can eat all the bad food you want and dismiss it under the ?it's the holidays? clause. If you are trying to stay healthy through the holidays this winter, here are a few tips to fight off those few pounds that always sneak up on us this time of year.

1. Plan out your splurges

If you know that you will be going to a Christmas party the upcoming weekend, watch your calories during the week. This will help lessen the blow of the multiple servings of turkey and dressing.

2. Pick healthy appetizers

Most all holiday get togethers will consist of high calorie, high carb appetizers. Try to snack on fresh veggies and dip, deli meat slices like turkey or chicken, whole-wheat crackers, shrimp cocktail, and fruit are all healthy alternatives to the usual tray of cheese squares, cookies, or sausage balls.

3. Eat before you go

Try to eat a filling, healthy meal or snack before your go. This will help dissuade you from grabbing all the food in your sight.

4. Don't hangout by the food

Like the old adage says, out of sight, out of mind. The longer you stand by food, the greater the chance you start snacking.

5. Don't let your eating habits snowball

Don't let one slip up at a party or get together turn into 3 or 4 more. One overindulgence isn't going to ruin your weight management. It's the second and third instances that get you. Often, people will be doing great on their holiday diet, slip up one time, then get into the mentality of ?I have already broken my diet, Ill get back to my diet after the holidays.?

Skin Care in Winter - Health Tips

As the cold season is already here, temperature decreases, the wind blows with increasing intensity, air gets drier and our skin suffers from all these changes thus needing extra-attention and care, otherwise risking losing its natural glow and suppleness and becoming cracked and rough.

For successfully caring skin in the winter, health experts offer some simple but extremely effective steps to be taken, here they are below:

1.      Take a hot shower every day
Contrary to popular thinking, hot showers taken daily don’t dry or damage your skin in the winter. Instead, this routine should be maintained throughout all year so you can effectively remove dirt and sweat accumulated during the day. However, this time of the year harsh cleaning products like alcohol should be avoided, otherwise there is a high risk that they will dry your skin too much. After each bath apply a lotion with moisturizing effect and dry the skin with a soft towel.

2.      Make sure your skin is hydrated
Choosing a quality moisturizer that meets your needs is probably the most important step to maintain your skin tone in the winter. If you use day cream, try to choose a product with SPF 30 that provides an effective barrier against weather and strong winter winds. Also, use lots of water-based lotions for better skin hydration.

3.      Do not neglect your lips care
In winter, lips are the most exposed parts of your body to harsh conditions and therefore leading to crack and easy peeling. To prevent these problems health experts recommend using lip balms with moisturizing effect that include the following properties: rich in vitamin E for elasticity, acts as a barrier against winter and offer a high degree of hydration. Great product to use: lip balm based on alpha hydro acids – fantastic for eliminating dead cells and facilitating skin regeneration.

4.      Hands and fingers care
Along with lips, hands and fingers’ peeling skin is one of the most acute problems in winter, this phenomenon being aggravated by long exposure to water and cleaning products. To prevent these problems you should use rubber gloves when performing house-work and also wash immediately after work. In terms of protecting your hands, a simple cream or glycerin soap for hands should do the job.

5.      Nail care
Calcium treatments, nail polish with feeding nail structure effect and restorative effect – simple and effective.

6.      Hair and scalp protection
Use a silk scarf instead of traditional hats and also do not neglect your dandruff problems (if any).

7.      Water water water
Hydration during the winter should not be done only for the skin, but also for the body. Extremely effective is daily consumption of a glass with hot water and lemon which eliminates the toxins from your body.

8.      Sleep more
Sleep is the main factor to recover the body. Lack of sleep, especially in cold winter can decisively affect the overall health condition on long term.

9.      Sunscreen in winter
You might ask why it is necessarily to use sunscreen in the winter. Just because the sun is not visible on the sky and outside is snowing, this does not mean ultraviolet rays are not there. Use products containing SPF 15 to prevent UVA and UVB to affect on your skin. 

10.  Skin exfoliating products – two times a week
Due to dry air and strong winds the skin becomes pale, with little to no shining. Prevent this occurring by exfoliating your skin two times a week.
What other tricks are you using for keeping your skin healthy during winter?

Hair Care Tips for Winter

The dry and cold winter can be very damaging to your hair. Hair easily becomes dry during this time of year from the dry indoor heating and the dry cold weather outside. Proper preventative steps need to be taken during this seasons to ensure that your hair does not get damaged. 

Winter Hair Care Tips

Wear a scarf, hat or cap to protect your hair from the cold and wind, but make sure that it's not so tight that it will restrict circulation in your scalp. 

Use a conditioner daily. 

Once you have your hair moist, lock in the moisture by running your hair through cold water, this will also give your hair an extra shine. 

Don't go outside with your hair wet, you risk breakage; your hair will freeze if it's cold enough outside and may break. 

Limit your use of "hot" items on your hair such as a blow dryers and curling irons. 

If you need to use a "hot" item use a leave in conditioner before using the item on your hair. 

Avoid taking hot showers or washing your hair in hot water, use warm or cool water instead, the heat can dry out and/or damage your hair and skin. 

Hair products that have the word, "Replenish" on it is made to moistureize your hair. 

Try using a dry shampoo if you need to wash out your hair, one dry shampoo you can use is baby powder, simply sprinkle some onto your hair and use a comb to comb it off.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Health Tips for Monsoon

Though the monsoon is a relief from the summer heat, it also brings with it a multitude of health problems. It is a time when one should take care of one`s health else it would lead to serious health problems. The high humidity levels also increase the risk of fungal infections. When water gets collected it results in the growth of mosquitoes, which cause malaria and dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases.

One of the famous dermatologist of Fortis Hospital, Noida, says, "One should wear cotton clothes and loose clothes and use talcum powder that are anti-fungal in areas more prone to fungal infections." Humidity and dampness results in fungal infections. Dampness can lead to skin problems and athlete`s foot. So, take bath at least twice a day to keep the infections at bay.

Monsoon also brings in hair care problems like stickiness and dandruff, which leads to hair falling. Here are some tips to protect your hair. Wash your hair regularly and when you use shampoo, take care that you use a mild one. After every wash use conditioner.

Take care that you eat a balanced and protein rich diet. Snacks like warm samosas and chaat become irresistible during rainy season but never have contaminated food. It will lead to diseases like diarrhea, hepatitis A, etc. So, get yourself vaccinated against such diseases. Fever is a serious health problem during the monsoon season and do not ignore it, if it lasts for more than two days. Remember prevention is better than cure.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Suggestion in Monsoon for Dengue, H1N1 and Common Cold & Flu

Monsoon is a delightful season but it brings along a host of diseases with it. You might enjoy the pitter patter of raindrops one fine evening and for the next four or five days you would be lying in bed recovering from fever and other such ailments.

Dengue scare

However, till the time they identify the strain it is recommend that you take following measures:
  • Don’t allow water stagnation; ensure free flow of water in drains.
  • Clean water coolers every weekend.
  • Use insect repellents because Aedes mosquitoes operate during the day.
  • If you have slight fever get medical tests done immediately.

H1N1 Scare

Keep away H1N1 virus by:
  • Avoid going to crowded/public places.
  • Cover your nose and mouth while sneezing.
  • Use alcohol based hand sanitizers.
  • Don’t share towels, utensils, drinks.
  • Keep away from people with cold and flu symptoms.
  • Use respiratory masks if need be.

Common Cold and Flu scare

We suggest that you:
  • Drink lots of fluids like water, soups and fresh fruit juices.
  • Gargle with lukewarm saline water.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol if you notice cold and flu symptom.

So follow a simple rule -- prevent any occurrence so that you don’t have to find a cure. 
May the monsoons bless you with a shower of good health! Until next monsoon keep safe.

Care During Pregnancy in Monsoon

Monsoon is quite an uncomfortable season during pregnancy. But you can still enjoy this season through extra care and important tips explained below.


Monsoon is a sweating season and your outfit can make you more comfortable if you are at the right track. It is also necessary to give full comfort to your big tummy. It would be better to carry loose and light weight clothes. You should always try to avoid synthetic clothes during monsoons. Synthetic clothes can cause rashes on your soft and beautiful skin.

Always keep in mind that tight clothes can prevent the growth of your child. So you should always wear loose and comfortable clothes. You should also try to avoid slippery shoes that can harm you. Buy comfortable and more supportive shoes from the market. If you are a working lady then keep an extra outfit and pair of shoes in your office. In this way, you can enjoy pregnancy even during monsoon season.


You should bath at least twice in a day for fresh and cool feeling. Also wipe out your face with wet towel after regular time intervals. You can also use wet handy tissue paper for this purpose. Clean your face with rose water for a fresh and beautiful face experience.

You should not walk barefoot even in your own garden. Water and soil mixture can cause serious skin infection. Open water can also be dangerous for you as it contains various litters inside it. You should also protect yourself from manholes and open holes in the street. A little care can reduce your headache to a great extent.

You should also wash your hands properly through warm water and medicated soap after an outdoor trip. Also change your clothes and wash your clothes in warm water. After every bath dry yourself properly.  Also clean your socks and footwear properly for making them free from germs and dirt. Your protection is in your hands. You can make it better or even worse through proper attention.

Stomach infections are also very common because of water born diseases. Make sure you are consuming clean and germs free water every time. Also consume healthy and hygiene food and try to avoid junk and packet food during pregnancy. Don’t forget to check that maid should wash her hands properly as she enters your home. If there is a cook in your home then instruct him how to prepare hygienic food for you.

You should also cut and trim your nails regularly. This can also be a biggest reason of skin infection. Every food item should be properly covered for protecting them from germs and insects. Contagious diseases are also very common during monsoon season. You should try to protect yourself from viral infections and swine flu. It can be dangerous for you and your baby.

Food and Drink

Dehydration is also a common problem during pregnancy in monsoon season. You should drink plenty of water in monsoon season. Proper fluid keeps you hydrated and also reduces your stress level to a great extent. If you are suffering from fainting, dizziness, headache or other heat stress then you should consult your doctor immediately. Sometimes, fluids alone are not sufficient for treating heat stress. You should also have to consume necessary supplements along with fluid.

You should also try to avoid roadside food item that are harmful for your health. If you really want to eat outside then decide some hygiene space you can trust on. It would be better to use sealed water instead of open water outside. Quality food items are good for maintain your health during pregnancy.

When you are preparing food at our home then you should wash vegetables properly and also cook them in clean water. Steamed food and green leafy vegetables are really good for your health during pregnancy. Drink boiled and filtered water for protecting yourself from harmful germs and bacteria. Bacteria growth is very rapid during monsoon season.

Power cut is also a common problem faced during monsoon season. Most of the women store food in refrigerator. You should try to eat fresh food only. Avoid the food that is stored in refrigerator for more than eight hours. You should also avoid contaminated tap water dangerous for the health of mother and baby. Don’t forget to clean dishes and plates with filtered water.

Keep your home clean every time

Keeping your home clean is a very tough task during pregnancy. Your home should be free from germs and dirt every time. Germs can cause serious skin or stomach infections. You should also keep your windows open for maximum time. Keep regular check at the coolers for protecting yourself from dengue Malaria. For a clean and germ free environment, you can use pest controllers. They are easily available in the market or you can also use kerosene for killing germs. These all effective treatments ensure a healthy baby and also protect the health of mother.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Monsoon Nutritional Tips

Some dos and don’t’s for the rains

What are the precautions to take during the monsoon?
We need to be careful about the food we eat and the water we drink. During the rainy season, our digestion is weakened and the dosha (the Ayurvedic term for the three basic metabolic principles connecting the mind, body and biological functions) most likely to go out of balance is the vaata dosha.
Vaata aggravation leads to gas formation and indigestion, which most of us unknowingly experience. Following these dos and don’ts will help us enjoy the rains without worrying about diseases.
  • Wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly, particularly leafy vegetables and cauliflower, which not only contain larvae and worms, but also collect dirt from
    the streets.
  • Eat in moderation as the body finds it harder to digest food during the monsoon.
  • Drink warm beverages; add mint or ginger or dry ginger powder to tea.
  • Moong dal is easy to digest and should be the dal of choice for the season.
  • Garlic, pepper, ginger, asafoetida (hing), jeera powder, turmeric and coriander help enhance digestion and improve immunity.
  • Non-vegetarians should go in for lighter meat preparations like soups and stews rather than heavy curries
  • Stick to freshly cooked food, but if you prefer to store cooked food in the fridge, heat it before eating.
  • Drink only boiled and filtered water, and make sure that it is consumed within 24 hours of boiling.
What fruits and vegetables would you prescribe?
The cardinal rule about eating during the monsoons is that you should never eat when you are not hungry. You can eat something in the winter because it appeals to you, but during the rains, this is an invitation to indigestion and illnesses such as jaundice.
Vegetables recommended during the rains are the non-leafy ones such as — snake gourd (turi), gourd (dudhi), pointed gourd (parwal), yam (suran), cluster beans (gavaar), apple gourd (tinda) and bitter gourd (karela).
It is better to stick to seasonal fruits because non-seasonal ones tend to get infested with worms during the monsoons. Among fruits, stick to pomegranates, mangoes, bananas, apples, litchees and cherries.

How do we protect against monsoon-related ailments such as malaria and jaundice? 

Malaria and jaundice are common due to stagnant water and contaminated food. Use mosquito repellants, creams and nets if you live in mosquito-prone areas or places with stagnant water. Wash vegetables with clean water and steam them well to kill germs. Avoid eating uncooked food and salads unless they are organic and cleaned well.
Freshly prepared radish juice is a good remedy for colds. A pinch each of pipli, available at shops selling Ayurvedic products, and rock salt mixed in warm water also help reduce mucous formation.
Do not allow your children to play in puddles. Dry your feet with a soft, dry cloth whenever they get wet. 

What foods should we be wary of?

Avoid eating chaats, fried items such as pakoras, pre-cut fruits and juices from roadside vendors. When eating out, choose restaurants that conform to basic standards of quality and hygiene, in order to avoid contracting serious infections such as viral fever, diarrhoea and other water borne diseases.

Have a healthy and safe monsoon......

Monsoon Tips for Hair Care

1 Daily wash: 
Hair should be washed frequently during monsoon as delay could lead to oily scalp, excessive hair fall, dandruff and roughness.  

2 Extra bounce: 
Oily hair becomes limp and greasy during the monsoon and requires shampoos that give volume to the hair. Natural extracts such as rosemary give that extra bounce to limp hair. 

3 Get frizz-free: 
Frizzy hair is a common problem in monsoons. A good conditioner smoothens out the hair. You can also use anti-frizz serum.

4 Avoid gels: 
Avoid using styling products such as mousse, hair gels and wax. These act as dust magnets, turning your hair into a  dry, tangled mess.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Why do we need sleep?

Sleep has always been a somewhat magical state with a mysterious purpose. In Hindu scripture, the world itself is considered the dream of a sleeping Vishnu.

Why do we need sleep? 
There is no good answer to this question, but it is an ancient biological process. Two stages of sleep, the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage, and the Delta-wave, or slow-wave sleep each have distinctive effects on different types of memory and decision making. Sleep is also a general healer. It promotes the rejuvenation of the immune, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems, and a healer of wounds.

Body Chemistry 
 There is a particularly strong effect of sleep on body chemistry. The important anabolic (body-building) hormones, growth hormone, and insulin are secreted preferentially during sleep and reduced by poor sleep. Reductions in sleep duration result in prediabetic chemistry-even a single disrupted night of sleep can alter insulin response in young, healthy people. Similarly, in one's youth, up to 70% of daily growth hormone is secreted during the deepest part of sleep. With ageing, this decreases with a fall in deep sleep. If we could increase deep sleep in the elderly, we might induce a younger hormonal pattern. Exercise and meditation both increase deep sleep.

How much is enough? 
The amount of sleep one gets seems to correlate with longevity; seven hours is the 'sweet spot'. A lack of sleep (5 hours or less) more than doubles the risk of cardiac death while too much (8 hours or more) seems to be associated with non-cardiac death. Too little sleep seems to be a particular risk factor for weight gain, hypertension and type 2 diabetes.

As India lurches towards a more Westernised life, the mid-afternoon nap may become rare. That would be a shame. A study from Greece confirms that regular napping (three times a week, 30 minutes) decreased the risk of coronary disease by 37%!

Factors that influence sleepCaffeine
In the West, caffeine is one of the major culprits in the sleep disruption of modern life- even more so in recent years. Tea has far less caffeine than coffee.

Aerobic exercise that lasts for an hour will help you get to sleep and stay asleep. However, it may take up to three weeks for the full effect to be noticeable.

 Alcohol at night reduces the healing benefits of sleep. While people fall asleep faster, alcohol increases lighter REM sleep and shortens slow-wave sleep and overall sleep time. As a result, it can cause more sleepiness the next day.

The body creates a chemical called melatonin, which may be a helpful sleeping aid in certain situations like jet lag, shift work, and general insomnia. I sometimes recommend it, particularly for post-surgical patients.
While some take melatonin nightly and tout it as an anti-ageing cure-all, I generally advise my patients to use it sparingly in specific settings until we know more about long-term effects. For jetlag, the optimal dose appears to be 5 mg, taken at bedtime in the new timezone; for insomnia, a dose less than one-tenth of that (0.3 mg).

The bottomline Folk wisdom about the healing properties of sleep is absolutely correct. Too often it is neglected by physicians in their advice to patients. With a systematic approach and some discipline, you can improve your sleep, feel better and live healthier and longer!